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I Work Out II

January 19, 2012

Part I


This week, there was a new song that inspired my workouts + good days.



To be honest, this song never played during any of my workouts. BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH. It came on one morning before work and I just feel…in charge.



I don’t know where I am on the body fat % train. Is it rude to ask the personal trainer, with whom you are not training with, to use the machines he generally uses to measure his clients’ progress?

notes: I suspect that it may have gone down just a smidge. Lately when I’ve been tracking food {for complete nutrition purposes as opposed to caloric concern}, I’ve noticed my fat intake has increased. A few months ago, I couldn’t eat enough fat. Things change. Maybe I should lay off the peanut butter?


I did not lose 13 pounds in 13 weeks. That was most likely a major fluke. Later check-ins put me at about 10 pounds lost. So, where am I now? Still 10lbs lost.

notes: It was that special time in a girl’s life, so I expected some increased hunger & emotions. Lifting weights left me with insatiable hunger from 7am until 8pm. I discovered that when my ankles hurt, it made me sad…even angry at times. I’m not making excuses, I’m just choosing not to beat myself up.


Pain Prevention. Usually, I do not feel any pain during my workouts. Afterwards, my joints sometimes feel a bit tight. In addition to taking occasional doses of ibuprofen & a calcium supplement, I also do some rounds of icing throughout the week.

notes: I was icing both ankles + my right knee. Now, it’s just the right ankle & right knee. I’d say the Lefty is getting stronger! Yippee!


My meals turned into grazing. Normally, I eat breakfast before leaving for work and am good to go until 12. Since my last update, I started eating a snack at the kids’ snack time, lunch time, my lunch break, and then the pm snack. Still the same amount/type of food, just spread out.

notes: This hasn’t stopped the “I NEED FOOD NOW” mentality that I walk in the house with at 5:15pm. I usually have some peanut butter before dinner and then a pear after dinner.


I’m a protein maniac. I’m averaging 80-100g of protein a day. Oops?

notes: maybe I should lay off the Chobani? I heard/read{?} Bob Harper recommends eating half of your body weight in protein {g}. 130lbs=65g protein. Um…yeah, I don’t weight 200lbs.


Fitness Is Kicking. Since the 1/5 post, I’ve completed 12 workouts. I had to switch rest days because tonight, my Bible study starts! SO I’ve had one rest day since then and will have one tomorrow :)

1/6 strength training           1/12 spin                            1/18 strength

1/7 spin                                1/13 REST                          1/19 spin

1/8 spin                                1/14 strength + spin

1/9 strength training            1/15 cardio

1/10 spin                              1/16 strength

1/11 strength training          1/17 spin


I am just not feeling my strength workouts. I LOVE THEM…but I am not physically feeling them.This is my current upper body workout progression:

Lateral Pull Down 3×8/3×10 20lbs; 3×12 30lbs; 3×12 50lbs

Bicep Curls 3×8 8lbs; 3×8/3×10/3×12 10 lbs; 3×12 12lbs

Tricep-Kickbacks 3×12 5lbs *this has been new to me, so I’ve started low so my wrists/triceps get accustomed

Bicep Hammercurls 3×2 mins non-stop 12lbs

Seated Chest Press 3×8 20lbs; 3×10 30lbs; 3×12 50lbs

Seated Row 3×10 30lbs; 3×10 40lbs; 3×12 50lbs



I mentioned above about tracking food. This for me is mostly about wanting to make sure I’m eating enough/a good amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber. Obviously, I am trying to lose weight—so the calories in vs. calories out does matter.


The program generates a suggested number of calories based on given information. Often I find that this number is too low or too high, so after some research I settled in on something to aim for. So far, so good. Again, I’m not beating myself up over this! Yes, I’m committed but I am not going to get angry at myself for indulging or feel pride over restricting.


For The Future

*I should do yoga

*I should somehow make this post shorter. Maybe post weekly instead of biweekly?

*Depending on how the next month goes, I may consider following a prescribed fitness plan. Maybe.

4 Comments leave one →
  1. January 19, 2012 7:14 am

    Just came across your blog girl and I really love it :)
    Good for you on making some serious progress in regards to weight loss and not stressing about indulging! I think that if we stress too much when trying to lose weight it hinders our progress!
    I talk a lot about on my blog, but I seriously think it is a great to add it to your fitness routine!! If you are losing weight, though, I would still do extra cardio because 12-20 minutes of exercise when you are really trying to lose weight might not be enough for most of us!
    But ya I hope this helps kinda!
    Good luck :)


  1. I Work Out III « Raisins&Apples
  2. I Work Out IV « Raisins&Apples

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